Issue details - Recommendation to extend Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Apprenticeship Training and Assessment

Issue details

Recommendation to extend Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Apprenticeship Training and Assessment

The Council established a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of apprenticeship training and assessment for Sandwell Council employees and new start apprentices. There are currently 36 providers listed on the Dynamic Purchasing System.

The expenditure to date is as follows:

2017/18 - £42606.87
2018/19 - £387436.60
2019/20 - £659220.12
2020/21 - £695968.46
2021/22 - £837,648.00
2022/23 - £803,312.00

The annual Council contribution into the apprenticeship levy for the period of the extension is projected to be £1,115,496 per annum. This equates to 0.5% of the Sandwell council pay bill (including Local Authority maintained schools). The levy contribution receives a 10% top up from government.

Price Increases:
There are no known price increases to be applied as the original terms of the DPS are to continue. Any changes will be in line with previously agreed mechanisms, in line with ESFA funding rules and continue to offer value for money.

This contract extension is compliant with Regulation 72(1)(c) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in that:

(i) the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen;
(ii) the modification does not alter the overall nature of the Framework;

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/12/2023

Decision due: 17 Oct 2023 by Director Children and Education

Contact: Connor Robinson Email:

Implications: Resources: The apprenticeship levy is payable by all employers with a wage bill in excess of £3 million. It is paid at a rate of 0.5% of the employer’s annual pay bill. Existing resource is in place to manage the apprenticeship levy DPS. Legal and Governance: The Council must comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Council’s own Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules 2016/17. The Dynamic Purchasing system has approved suppliers to deliver the provision. Risk: The DPS supports the Council to manage the risk of apprenticeship procurement and delivery. Providers have to meet minimum criteria to be listed as part of the DPS. Equality: There are no adverse impacts on protected characteristics. Health and Wellbeing: Apprenticeships have a positive impact on health and wellbeing. Social Value: Apprenticeships are an outcome of social value targets. The transfer of the apprenticeship levy can also be used for contractors’ supply chains supporting t
