Issue details - The supply of food and drinks to the Councils Bereavement Service

Issue details

The supply of food and drinks to the Councils Bereavement Service

Through its Registration Service, the Council provides a suite of bereavement related services for the residents of the borough and those organisations and families who chose to use its excellent services and facilities.

This includes the provision of catering services at our Reception Suite and newly renovated Café.

Tender submissions were invited with 16 expressions of interest received. Of the expressions of interest 4 formal bids were received and evaluated using the published award criteria which were based on 70% price and 30% quality/social value.

Harlech Food Service received the highest score for Lots 1, 2, 3 and 5 and QMovers MFS Ltd received the highest score for LOTS 4 and 6.

Therefore, following the analysis of returned Tenders and in accordance with the published criteria, it is recommended that Harlech Food Service be awarded the contract for LOTS 1, 2, 3 and 5 and that QMovers MFS Ltd be awarded the contract for LOTS 4 and 6.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/12/2023

Decision due: 29 Nov 2023 by Director Finance, Director Law and Governance

Contact: Narinder Rana Email:

Implications: Strategic Resource Implications For the duration of the new contracts, it is estimated the Council’s expenditure for the provision of these services will be circa £40,000 per annum. Expenditure associated with the services to be provided as part of these contracts will be accounted for from existing revenue budgets and as part of the Council’s annual budget setting cycle for the wider Registration Service. In addition, expenditure associated with Registration related services to include those associated with catering services is offset by income derived from the fees and charges it applies for the delivery of these services to the public. Legal and Statutory Implications The Council has to comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Council’s own Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules 2018/19 and confirms that this tender exercise has been conducted in accordance with the required procedures.
