Issue details - Commissioning of the Active Greenspaces programme

Issue details

Commissioning of the Active Greenspaces programme


The provider has consulted with current service users to understand what they have enjoyed or not enjoyed about the programme. This has enabled us to design a service that meets the needs of our local population which will be reflected in the new service specification.

Public health procurement colleagues have conducted an options appraisal to outline the most appropriate procurement process and timescales.

Colleagues from the council’s parks team have been consulted. Parks support the continuation of the service, as this has resulted in increased footfall and positive activities being delivered in Sandwell’s parks and greenspaces.


For there to be no gap in service delivery, approval and all procurement documents need to be completed by September 2023. The new contract would need to be in place by 1st July 2024.

Previous service performance:

The current service is being successfully delivered, with key performance indicators on track. Participants have also reported improved wellbeing and physical activity levels because of the service.

The current service has engaged more females than males, so engaging more men will be a priority of the new service. There will also be a defined offer for families and more opportunities to recruit and train local volunteers.

The lessons learned and data analysis from the Active Green Spaces pilot provides important feedback to enable future options of service delivery to be considered. The following has been considered and will be factored into the new service specification:

1. Session Popularity: The most popular current active greenspaces sessions will be required to continue, and new sessions added to engage marginalised groups.

2. Engagement of Males: There will be specific targeted sessions to engage male participants.

3. Families: Anecdotal feedback from the provider suggests that having an offer for families would be beneficial. A family offer will be delivered as part of the new service.

4. Long term conditions: Staff to have training and understanding of long term conditions including but not exclusively; diabetes, mental health awareness, fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal conditions.

5. Language and Literacy: there will be an expectation in the service specification that media and promotional materials will be translated into appropriate languages. Front line staff will also be asked to complete health literacy awareness training.

6. Upskill volunteers: more emphasis on participants to undertake training to volunteer to help run sessions as well as further upskill existing volunteers. This includes working with The Job Centre to identify employability benefits and relevant training for volunteers.

7. Recruit and signpost from other local activities: staff will attend other local groups to help signpost people into the programme. For example, where a provider is offering a set week programme, attend towards the end to help build a relationship with participants and help them transition into the Active Green Spaces programme.

8. Mobilisation period: The key performance indicators will be set so that they pro-rata across the year (not including the mobilisation period of 3-months). This will allow time for the provider to secure locations/ settings and develop their marketing and communications strategy.


Public health is committed to funding this programme given the positive impact to residents. We will work with the provider to recruit and train local volunteers who can lead sessions such as health walks.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/11/2023

Decision due: 24 Oct 2023 by Director Public Health

Contact: Connor Robinson Email:

Implications: Resources: Financial, staffing, land/building implications Public health budget of £70,000 per year (exclusive of VAT). Total budget would be £280,000 (exclusive of VAT) has been identified. The programme will be managed by the communities and partnerships team. Legal and Governance: Legal implications including regulations/law under which proposals are required/permitted and constitutional provisions Local authorities’ statutory responsibilities for public health services are set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 Local authority public health teams have, since 1 April 2013, been responsible for improving the health of their local population and for public health services. Services should be commissioned based on evidence of need using the key indicators set out in the Public Health Outcomes Framework. For a procurement of this value the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 15) and the Council’s Procurement and Contract procedure rules are required to be met. The ag
