Decisions for issue HVAC System at Roway Lane and Final Resolution of Litigation Case - 9 December 2016

Issue - decisions

HVAC System at Roway Lane and Final Resolution of Litigation Case - 9 December 2016

06/12/2021 - HVAC System at Roway Lane and Final Resolution of Litigation Case - 9 December 2016

2 Recommendation
2.1 That Norvent be retained as maintenance contractor whilst this
matter is finally resolved with estimated costs of £20,000.
2.2 That the exemption is for a six month period to reflect the
period of time granted by the Court for the latest Stay in
proceedings, which is 31~ January 2017 and to enable the
Council to complete the corrective actions and
recommendations as documented by the Council’s appointed
HVAC expert.
2.3 That any necessary exemptions be made to the Council’s
Procurement & Contract Procedure Rules to enable the course
of action referred to in 2.1 and 2.2 above to proceed.