Agenda item - Sandwell Business Growth Plan

Agenda item

Sandwell Business Growth Plan

To approve the approve the Sandwell Business Growth Plan which sets out the services and programmes available from the Sandwell Business Growth Team for Sandwell Businesses.


(1)  That approval be given to the Sandwell Business Growth Plan as set out in Appendix 1 which sets out the Services & Programmes available from the Sandwell Business Growth Team for Sandwell Businesses in the pursuit of Sandwell’s Economic Growth.


(2)  That Cabinet rescind the Inclusive Recovery Plan for Business approved by Cabinet on 23 March 2022.


(3)  That the budget profile and outputs and outcomes of the Business Growth Plan for period 23/24-24/25 financial year be noted.



Approval was sought for the Sandwell Business Growth Plan.


The Inclusive Recovery Plan identified 7 priorities for the Sandwell Business Growth Team which had been updated in the Sandwell Business Growth Plan by merging the ‘Local Spend’ and ‘Good Jobs’ priorities into the ‘Social Value in Sandwell’ priority, and the addition of the ‘Support in Sandwell’ priority capturing the customer journey and the council’s commitment to supporting Sandwell Businesses. The Economic Data contained within the Sandwell Business Growth Plan had been provided by the Economic Intelligence Unit to provide an updated evidence base for the plan. The 7 priorities of the Sandwell Business Growth Plan were:


1. Support in Sandwell

2. Start Up in Sandwell

3. Grow in Sandwell

4. Innovate in Sandwell

5. Invest in Sandwell

6. Social Value in Sandwell

7. Net Zero in Sandwell


The Sandwell Business Growth Plan set out the aims of each priority and articulates why this was a priority and how the Sandwell Business Growth Team would deliver against them. Detailed activity, outputs and outcomes for each priority are also included, and identifies outputs which were contracted for delivery through UKSPF and outcomes that the team would measure to determine performance. Contracted outputs were set annually, so on this basis the outputs and outcomes profile would be monitored quarterly and set annually.


The Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board, on behalf of the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, sought further clarify on the hub model, and how the work of the business growth team complements the work of the WMCA's Business Growth West Midlands team in order to reduce any overlap and duplication.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and WMCA advised that Business Growth West Midlands was a function of the West Midlands Combined Authority who were the accountable body for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) which primarily funds Business Support activity in the region. Business Growth West Midlands did not provide business support directly, they operated as a point of contact for all businesses requiring support within the WMCA geography and then triage business enquiries to the relevant local authorities for action. The WMCA had retained an amount of the UKSPF to fund Business Growth West Midlands and to also commission Business Support programmes that would run at a regional level which all local authorities within the WMCA geography delivered. In addition, an amount of UKSPF funding was devolved directly to local authorities to deliver business support programmes that were tailored to the local level.


Reason for Decision

The WMCA have established ‘Business Growth West Midlands’ (BGWM) as the centre of a ‘hub and spoke’ model for Business Support Services in the West Midlands. BGWM are the hub, with each local authority being a spoke. BGWM is responsible for devolving UKSPF to the local authorities, collating Monitoring and Evaluation information for reporting to Government as the Accountable Body for the fund. They also utilise this brand as a contact for all West Midlands Business Support Services and triage business clients to the relevant local authority spoke. Businesses will continue to contact local authorities direct for support.


Alternative Options Considered

Retain the existing Inclusive Recovery Plan, acknowledging that the data, partners, and methods of activity delivery are different.


Rescind the Inclusive Recovery Plan and not replace it with an updated plan, acknowledging that the Business Support offer to Sandwell Businesses was not articulated and the level of endorsement unclear.




(1)          that approval be given to the Sandwell Business Growth Plan as set out in Appendix 1 which sets out the Services and Programmes available from the Sandwell Business Growth Team for Sandwell Businesses in the pursuit of Sandwell’s Economic Growth;


(2)          that the Inclusive Recovery Plan for Business approved by Cabinet on 23 March 2022 be rescinded;


(3)          that the budget profile and outputs and outcomes of the Business Growth Plan for period 23/24-24/25 financial year be noted.


Supporting documents: