Agenda item - Project Reporting

Agenda item

Project Reporting

To receive an update on project progress and monitoring information for the period of October-December 2022


Project updates from:

Blackheath Bus Interchange – Chad Smallman/Andy Miller



Project Reporting

To receive an update on project progress and monitoring information for the period of October-December 2022.

Board members received Item 7a - Rowley Regis Town Deal Board Reporting October-December 2022 prior to the board meeting. This appendix was shared on screen to provide an update on project progress.


The following discussions were held as a result of the information presented: -


Board members were informed that overall, there will be financial slippage into the next 23/24, but it’s within the 40% threshold set by DLUHC.


Britannia Park

PMO has monthly catchups with the project lead on project progress.. A board member queried if there could be any implications with planning. There have been no concerns raised by the project lead in relation to objections and further update can be provided during planning stage. The project does regularly engage with the residents, Friends of the Park etc to provide an update of the progress of works yet.


Canal Network Connectivity

Most of the project is due to be delivered by the end of the current financial year.


Rowley Regis Satellite Education Hub

Delivery has slipped by 3 months due to acquisition of site being approved in Nov 22 by Cabinet. A planning application has been submitted and a number of petitions/objections have been received pertaining to the parking. A proposed site visit is planned at the end of March for the planning committee to look at the objections.


Discussions took place regarding the increased risks to the project delivery following these objections. Various other sites were considered prior to the FBC and the current site was considered the most appropriate considering its proximity to the train station, cost etc. It was added that considering an alternative site would incur further delays and potentially the project not delivering within Towns Fund timeframe.


Rowley Regis Connected

There is some slippage into the next financial year but that is expected due to planned phase of works milestones and key dates. The construction period is due to commence in Q2 of the next financial year.


Public Health information regarding benefits of cycling was requested by members to circulate where applicable. It was commented that there is a lot of evidence on it nationally and there is some current research in progress locally. Once the localised research is complete and published it will be shared with board members.


Action: PMO to circulate material/reports from Public Health in relation to benefits of cycling when available.


Project leads for Blackheath Bus Interchange were in attendance at the meeting to provide updates on progress.


Blackheath Bus Interchange

There was a recent period of public consultation (9/1/23-13/2/23) with successful live events in the Library and Market where the public and stakeholders were in attendance. Consultation attendees were shown visuals and were handed out FAQ’s. Attendee’s comments were recorded as not all wanted to fill in a questionnaire and there were differences in answers in respondents who submitted hard copies of the questionnaire compared to those who filled it in online. This could potentially be due to misunderstanding the plans and basing it on press releases from the media, compared to attending a live event and seeing a visual presentation. The data is currently being collated and will be shared with Board members.


Delivering the scheme within the cost envelope is a concern and further detail will be known at procurement stage.


Further updates will be provided at the next board meeting.


Action: PMO to circulate feedback from consultations.

Supporting documents: