Agenda item - Update of Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis

Agenda item

Update of Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis

To consider and comment upon the reports relating to an update of Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector to tackle the cost of living crisis.



Further to Minute No. 38/22 (1 November 2022), the Board received an Update on Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis.


The Board received any overview of the Council’s response to the Cost of Living Crisis, including the response of third sector organisations.  Feedback had overwhelmingly been positive with friends groups and support networks having been developed by residents and community groups to support people throughout the winter.


The Board heard that efforts had also been made to reduce the stigma associated with accessing warm spaces, with events including a Christmas Grotto, live music and family creative events having happened.  The purpose of this was to encourage and incentivise these spaces to residents, particularly with sectors of the community less likely to access support available.


Training had been provided to warm space providers to equip staff to provide support and facilitate specialist referrals to organisations including Citizens Advice, where needed.  Warm spaces grants had also been available via Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) to small organisations to support the Warm Spaces charter, with 34 groups being awarded £118,849 over the Winter period.


The Public Health Consultant outlined that libraries had been particularly instrumental with 83,495 visits since October 2022, uses included to access warm drinks and charge devices.  Libraries had remained open throughout the festive period including on Christmas Day to support with referrals to water companies and financial advice.


The Board further heard that cascading information to residents about available support and remained a key focus.  The Cost of Living Booklet had been sent to all households, including care homes and was available in multiple languages.  In addition, the Council website had been used to map support services collate information both by type and by area to make in accessible to residents.


The Council’s Cost of Living Champions programme had enabled Sandwell citizens to educate members of the public on what channels of support was available.  Further sessions had been planned across the NHS and local partners, with 153 attendees to date.


Winter Warm packs have also been distributed across Sandwell for those who needed them.  £10,000 was awarded to Black Country Foodbanks to use across their Sandwell sites to provide support when required to vulnerable residents.


The Board received a presentation from the Senior Manager at Sandwell Community Information and Participation Service (SCIPS) who outlined the value of Community Centres helping people during challenging times.  She noted the particular success of the sessions her organisation had held informing people of the routes to access support.


From the comments and questions by members of the Board, the following responses were made, and issues highlighted:-


        Not all foodbanks within Sandwell were part of Black Country Foodbanks network, meaning they had missed out on financial support.

        New methods of providing financial support to foodbanks may be required.

        A dedicated officer to answer queries, share information and support Councillors in relation to foodbank coordination would be advantageous.

        Foodbanks had largely been reliant upon volunteers to run and were low on non-food items, in particular period products.

        Poverty proofing and financial support provision for schools to be explored, particularly in relation to school trips.

        That warm packs may not have been evenly distributed across the borough, however more had been ordered to be distributed across the borough.

        The distribution of warm parks should be monitored centrally and these should be distributed direct to organisations where possible.

        There have been multiple reports of residents not receiving the Sandwell Herald, this was to be looked into as part of the corporate contract.

        The mapping of support services and foodbanks has continued to be communicated to both residents and this Board.

        Warm bank usage had been a success story across the borough; it was agreed that a statistical breakdown of warm bank usage by town be provided to the Board.

        Agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to library staff operating warm spaces in recognition for their hard work, particularly over the Christmas period.


Resolved that:-


(1)     that Director of Public Health provide a dedicated contact officer to answer queries, share information and support councillors in relation to foodbank coordination as part of the Cost of Living Crisis;


(2)     that the Director of Public Health explores providing financial support to foodbanks;


(3)     that the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board refer poverty proofing and financial support provision for schools to the Children’s Services and education Scrutiny Board;


(4)     that the Director of Borough Economy arrange for letter’s to be sent to library staff operating warm banks in recognition for their hard work.


(5)     Resolved that an Update of Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis is provided to the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board on a quarterly basis.

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