Agenda item - Cost of Living

Agenda item

Cost of Living

To receive and comment on the work currently ongoing by the Council to address the cost of living crisis.


The Director of Housing was invited to address the Board.


It was noted that the Council recognised the key role it had to play in supporting residents through the Cost of Living crisis, with the high levels of inflation and spiralling energy costs having a particular impact.


The Council already had several initiatives in place to help reach out to those in need of assistance; a dedicated webpage had been created to provide “Cost of Living Advice” to Sandwell residents, signposting those who required help where possible. Further initiatives such as the training of 80 “cost of living champions” had taken place with further champions to be identified and trained. The Library service had also agreed to utilise the community bus which would be promoted in due course. Residents could also contact Citizens Advice for further assistance and guidance.


The Household Support Fund was being used in various ways to provide support such as the provision of free school meals during holiday periods as well as providing support to care leavers. A significant increase in the number of referrals received for the Local Welfare Scheme had been witnessed and those in debt were receiving support in a more holistic way although difficulties were still experienced with reaching private sector tenants.


A cross-council piece of work to help assist those who were in debt to multiple areas of the Council was underway. In some circumstances, this could result in intervention and/or debt write off. The Council tax support fund had been agreed and announced for 2023/24.


In total, 486 winter warmth packets had been distributed and a further 114 remained for distribution; winter support packs for pets were also in place. Go Play provision had been expanded by 30 sessions between December 2022 and March 2023, the next grant cycle had been rewritten. Proposed revised actions around improving food networks were also commencing to identify need. A focussed effort was on-going to ensure families were not stuck in temporary accommodation, although, it was highlighted that the opening of Manifoldia Grange had been delayed due to water hygiene issues. Work was scheduled to start in Q4 to help tenants downsize.


Investigations into tackling loneliness and isolation within the Borough had taken place and the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board were examining the concerns further. Additionally, the Better Mental Health programme had been assessed and extended. Employee benefits were being widely promoted with 579 employees signed up in November 2022 and events were taking place to highlight employee benefits, wellbeing and cost of living advice to staff members.


“Warm Space” details were provided to the Board who noted the hard work carried out by staff and volunteers over the Christmas period. Libraries were open for a total of 150 hours over the Christmas and New Year period including at least one library being open on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. 1,879 customers had used a warm space during this time. Donations of presents, jumpers and food parcels were handed out to those in need.


Members suggested that any further recommendations regarding the Cost of Living item be reported to the Safer Neighbourhoods and Communities Scrutiny (SNAC) Board to assist their current Scrutiny Review. It was also agreed that the SNAC Board would receive regular updates on the current position of Manifoldia Grange and invite ward members to those meetings.


In response to queries from the Board, it was confirmed that Libraries would remain flexible and welcoming to those who wished to bring pets to warm spaces. Members were minded that the Council were doing their best to ensure that no one felt left behind. Teams were currently running home checks on a prioritised basis to reach tenants that may not be able to communicate with the Council. Leaflets detailing advice on the crisis had been delivered to those living within the borough and following comments on some residents not receiving these leaflets, officers undertook to investigate.


Members noted the difficult circumstances that officers had to operate in and thanked them for their hard work.



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