Agenda item - Impact of the Lockdown on Children and Families Working Group Report and Recommendations

Agenda item

Impact of the Lockdown on Children and Families Working Group Report and Recommendations

Consideration of the final draft report and recommendations to the Executive.


The Board considered the draft report and recommendations following its review into the Impact of Lockdown on Children and Families, which had commenced in 2021/22.


The working group had investigated several topics including impact of the lockdown on exam results, child poverty and social care. Members each had a specific work-stream on which to focus and were able to interview relevant officers and key witnesses to help their research.


The Director of Children and Education had been consulted on, the recommendations and was supportive of them.


(Councillors Chambers, Dunn and W Gill left the meeting.)


The gap in educational achievement had widened for our most disadvantaged children and it was hoped that the recommendations would help to address this.


Resolved :-



(1) that the Chair of the Thrive Board presents a report to the scrutiny Board outlining its work and the impact of, in relation to the impact of the pandemic on students’ mental health and well-being;


(2) that representatives of the SEND Strategic Board/SEND Operational Board report to the Board on the services and support provided to SEND children and the impact, including attainment data;


(3) that the Director of Children and Education reports to the Board on the progress and outcomes of the national review into the covid-19 response in so much as it relates to education and children’s services;


(4) that, the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board is requested to undertake a review and monitors the recovery strategy of mental health services within the Borough;


(5) that the Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board writes to the Sandwell Children’s Trust to request details of its plans to address the challenges of recruitment and retention of social workers;


(6) that the Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board writes to the Chair of the Corporate Parenting request details of their plans to address the challenges faced by children in care and care leavers and to understand how the pandemic has impacted them and what has been done to address this;


(7) that the Director of Children and Education reports to the Board, providing an update on the Councils’ Covid-19 Recovery Plan, in as much as it relates to education and children’s services


(8) that the following recommendations are submitted to the Cabinet:-


a)            that the Director of Children and Education works co-operatively with the Department for Education to improve the education standards of children and young people, utilising Education Investment Area funding;


b)            that the Director of Children and Education is proactive in working with schools in the area to consider the creation or adoption of multi-academy trusts;


c)             that the Director of Children and Education is proactive in considering suitable locations in the Borough for specialist sixth-form free schools which are funded by central government;


d)            that the Council joins the Department for Education’s 1-2-1 attendance mentoring pilot to monitor issues in schools across the Borough;


e)            that, the Cabinet Member for Children and Education pledges to improve and increase the Borough’s educational assessment data in line with the national average by 2027, in line with the aims and objectives of Vision 2030;


f)              that the Cabinet Member for Children and Education writes to the Secretary of State for Education, to request that the Government actively engages with education practitioners to understand the long-term problems caused by the national pandemic and prepare appropriate resources to help children and young people recover academically, socially and psychologically;


g)            that the Director of Children and Education encourages and supports schools in the Borough to provide sports programmes and extracurricular activities to help children catch up in all areas of lost learning and experiences and to improve mental and physical health;


h)            that the Cabinet Member for Children and Education writes to the Secretary of State for Education, to request that specific monetary assistance is made available to children eligible for free school meals to take part in extracurricular activities;


i)              that the Director of Children and Education reviews the Council’s partnership working with education providers and the Sandwell Children’s Trust to ensure that actions, outcomes and best practice work are shared to ensure we are working cohesively together;


j)              That the Cabinet Member for Children and Education investigates ways to connect with young people and offer extra support, mentoring and encouragement including, but not limited to:-


a)      establishing a peer mentoring programme;

b)      encouraging social youth work, sports, drama, and outdoor activities;

c)      engaging with local businesses to improve the number of available apprenticeships;

d)      supporting a holistic youth services experience which accompanies physical and digital offer;

e)      supporting and championing the new Eco Bus with young people’s involvement;


k)             that the Cabinet Member for Children and Education writes to the Secretary of State for Education, to lobby for recurrent yearly funding which will allow for consistent support to address young people's emotional wellbeing and (low level) mental health as we recovery from COVID and the impact that it caused, whilst supporting the Council’s ambition to improve academic performance, socialisation, conversation, mental health and wellbeing;


l)              That, the Director of Children and Education works with multi-agency partners to support, engage and monitor the stability within the early years settings.



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