Agenda item - Re-commissioning Sandwell Stop Smoking Service

Agenda item

Re-commissioning Sandwell Stop Smoking Service

To consider proposals to procure a Stop Smoking Service beyond March 2022 to support Sandwell smokers.

Presented By:Living and Ageing Well


Approval was sought to consider proposals to procure a Stop Smoking Service beyond March 2022 to support Sandwell smokers.


The Director of Public Health provided a presentation to brief the Cabinet on the report. Current smoking cessation support was delivered by Everyone Health Ltd.  The service was now delivering into its permissible one-year extension period which ends 31st March 2022. 


The current service delivery model was largely universal in approach seeing very few smokers from more disadvantaged/high-prevalence groups and delivered wholly via trained specialists. The current model did not take into account that some smokers may not need full specialist support to quit. It also did not take into account the increasing use of electronic cigarettes which have an established evidence base as a harm reduction/quit aid. The current service model had an annual maximum budget of £450,000 with the payment model consisting of a combination of block payment (30%), and payment by result (70%) for every 12-week quit achieved.  Expenditure against the budget for 2020/21 was £273,801.90


Having consulted with residents and partners about future smoking delivery, there was an ask to continue specialist support provision -in particular for those harder to reach/vulnerable smokers, but also an ask to provide more self-help options for the wider population. 


Respondents felt that smokers should be able to move between the varying levels of support as they see fit/ progress on their quit journey.


In mirroring national ambition, a focus on reducing smoking prevalence reduction was essential and required the need to work with and across the system (including statutory, non-statutory, community organisations and residents).  It was therefore felt that a service model is needed that is flexible both in terms of its methods and approaches to reach (previously missed target group) smokers, as well as flexible in terms of how service users can access support.  Towards this, a model with two distinct elements was proposed:


·      Specialist service (covering all pharmacological and behavioural support intervention delivery management as well as smoking cessation training to a range of stakeholders).  This element would ensure a focus on harder to reach populations.

·      Self-help option (resource efficient -directed at those already inclined to quit and with the necessary access/resource to do so)


Electronic cigarette access was to be developed and supported across both elements.


The budget for the proposed model would be £450,000 maximum per annum with an element of Payment by Results for each quit successfully achieved. It was proposed that the service commence on 1 April 2022 for a period of 2 years with the option to extend for up to 1 year at a budget of £450,000 per annum with a 50:50 split between block contract and payment by results in order to ensure a good mix between quantity of smokers treated and quality of development and engagement work. This would mean a maximum total amount of £1,350,000.00.



Reason for Decision


To allow the procurement of Stop Smoking Service provision.  This would ensure that support for Sandwell smokers continued to be available beyond the commissioned service which was due to end 31 March 2022.


                  Alternative Options Considered


(1)          To not approve the procurement of smoking support provision beyond 31 March 2022.  This would impact health outcomes (not just of the smokers themselves but the health of others through secondary smoke harms) and further exacerbate health inequalities for our most disadvantaged groups within the borough. 


(2)          To commission a similar model of provision again - this could work well if appropriately targeted towards our harder to reach smokers, it does not help deliver /transition the wider population towards more personal ownership and empowerment over their quit journey – potentially leaving The Council in a continuing position of predominantly specialist provision commissioning.




(1)          that the Director of Public Health be authorised to re-commission Sandwell Stop Smoking Service provision ensuring future delivery of support for Sandwell smokers;


(2)          that the Director of Public Health be authorised to commence a procurement process for the provision of Stop Smoking Service to commence on 1 April 2022 for a period of 2 years with the option to extend for up to 1 year at a budget of £450,000 per annum;


(3)          that the Director of Public Health be authorised to enter into a contract with the successful bidder, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Living and Ageing Well, for the provision of Stop Smoking Service to commence on 1 April 2022 for a period of 2 years to 31 March 2024 with the option to extend up to a further 1 Year (31 March 2025);


(4)          that an exemption be made to rule 8.7 of the Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules 2018/19 to allow a contract to be awarded to a successful tenderer in the event that the required minimum number of tenders are not received;


(5)          that approval be given to variations to the contract up to a maximum of 10% of the Contract value, should they be necessitated, and that authority to approve such Variations be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Living and Ageing Well;


(6)          that the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer execute any documentation necessary to give effect to Resolution (2) – (5) above for the provision of a Stop Smoking Service.