Agenda item

The Local Plan in Sandwell: Update, next steps, and amendment to the Local Development Scheme (LDS)

To note recent developments in relation to the Black Country Plan and the background to them.




(1)     that Cabinet notes recent developments in relation to the Black Country Plan and the background to them.


(2)     that Cabinet approves the preparation of a single-tier Local Plan covering the whole of Sandwell which will on adoption replace the following;


        Black Country Core Strategy (2011)

        Sandwell Site Allocations & Delivery Development Plan Document (2012)

        Smethwick Area Action Plan (2008)

        Tipton Area Action Plan (2008)

        West Bromwich Area Action Plan (2012)


(3)     that approval be given to an update of the Sandwell Local Development Scheme and updated timeline set out in Appendices A & B


(4)     that Cabinet approve the fixed term appointment of a Sandwell Plan Programme Manager and to appoint to the post outside of standard HR procedures given the urgent need to recruit.


(5)     that Cabinet authorise the creation of a Senior Planning Officer post as set out in the resources section of this report.





Approval was sought for the preparation of a single-tier Local Plan covering the whole of Sandwell.


The Local Plan is a legally required, key document that guides the Council’s Planning decision making progress. Having a Local Plan was a requirement for each Local Authority. Due to the halting of the Black Country Plan, it highlighted that there was an urgent need for Sandwell to prepare its own local plan to ensure the legal obligations are followed.


In response to a question by the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth highlighted that as no binding agreement exists in relation to the Black Country Plan, the basis for any claim for financial losses was unclear


A further question was asked on whether the creation of the Local Plan would be based on more up-to-date and accurate information.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth confirmed that the two principal areas of forecast need that informs the preparation of the Local Plan was employment land and housing. The economic modelling was updated shortly before the decision to half the Black Country Plan and would therefore still be used for the Sandwell Local Plan.


In regard to housing need, it was explained that this was derived using the Government’s standard method for forecasting growth in the number of households. Sandwell, along with every other Local Planning Authority (LPA) in England, was required to use this method by the Dept. of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC).Using the standard method, it was almost three times higher than the available land supply. Whilst, the Government had indicated that there would be changes to the standard method as part of a future review of the Planning System, it was unlikely that these changes would alter the forecast need in Sandwell to a degree that would lead to Sandwell having no, or very little, ‘un-met’ need. To do so would require the forecast to drop by around 66%.


The most recent statements from ministers had indicated that LPAs should continue to prepare Local Plans under the current regulations and in the case of housing need, continue to use the current standard method for forecasting growth in the number of households. Therefore unless Government advises otherwise, the new Local Plan would need to be prepared on that basis.  


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth moved an amendment to recommendation at 1.3 as follows:


To authorise the fixed term appointment of a Sandwell Plan Programme Manager and to appoint to the post outside of standard HR procedures given the urgent need to recruit. Cabinet is further recommended to authorise the creation of a Senior Planning Officer post as set out in the resources section of this report.

The recommendations, as amended, were approved.


Reasons for recommendations

At the meeting of the Association of Black Country Authorities on 19 October, the decision was taken to formally halt the Black Country Plan (the BCP) and for the four authorities to proceed with the preparation of individual Local Plans as soon as is practical. It is a statutory requirement of every Local Planning Authority to have an up-to-date Local Plan. Government has previously expressed a desire to see full Local Plan coverage across the England by December 2023 or as soon as is practical after that date.


Alternative options considered

The preparation of a Local Plan and the regular updating of the Local Development Scheme are statutory requirements under planning legislation. Options relating to the form and content of the Local Plan are set out in the body of the report.




(1)          that the recent developments in relation to the Black Country Plan and the background to them be considered;


(2)          that the preparation of a single-tier Local Plan covering the whole of Sandwell which will on adoption replace the following be approved;


·      Black Country Core Strategy (2011)

·      Sandwell Site Allocations & Delivery Development Plan Document (2012)

·      Smethwick Area Action Plan (2008)

·      Tipton Area Action Plan (2008)

·      West Bromwich Area Action Plan (2012)


(3)          that approval be given to an update of the Sandwell Local Development Scheme and updated timeline set out in Appendices A & B as now submitted;


(4)          that the fixed term appointment of a Sandwell Plan Programme Manager be approved and the Director – Regeneration & Growth be authorised to appoint to the post outside of standard HR procedures given the urgent need to recruit;


(5)          that approval be given to the creation of a Senior Planning Officer post.

 timeline set out in Appendices A & B


(4)     that Cabinet approve the fixed term appointment of a Sandwell Plan Programme Manager and to appoint to the post outside of standard HR procedures given the urgent need to recruit.


(5)     that Cabinet authorise the creation of a Senior Planning Officer post as set out in the resources section of this report.




Supporting documents: