Agenda item - Improvement Plan Progress

Agenda item

Improvement Plan Progress

To consider and comment upon the progress of the Improvement Plan up to 4 August 2022.


The Strategic Lead for Service Improvement provided the Board with details on progress made against the Improvement Plan.



The Improvement Plan was a single improvement plan that incorporated all recommendations from the Grant Thornton Governance Review, the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge and the CIPFA Financial Management Review, as well as the Statutory Directions from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The plan detailed how the Council would achieve the improvements laid out. Progress would be reported to the Secretary of State every six months. The current progress of each theme was presented to the Board: -


Theme 1 – Organisational Culture


The Board noted updates in relation to Theme 1 of the plan. In particular, information was received in relation to the Organisational Culture Change Programme, Officer and Member relationships, Officer Learning and Development and Member Learning and Development. All workstreams were currently on track.


Theme 2 – Corporate Oversight


Good progress had been made across all workstreams however, there was some slippage. The Performance Management Framework was currently a red risk due to the corporate resources required for performance management; this was related to vacant posts rather than financial difficulties. The current work around Oracle Fusion had been amber rated due to the extension of the evaluation period for support provider procurement. A contract had been awarded since the July report.


Theme 3 – Strategic Direction


Although progress was being made across all workstreams, many areas had issues and slippage. The Equality Policy had seen slippage due to further consideration of best practice. The Policy was now being prepared for approval in October. The Pilot of the town co-ordinator role was on hold and being reconsidered. The Corporate Asset Management Strategy had several delays in some components, notably slippage as a result of the implementation of asset database. Work continued around the Draft Commercial Strategy, but some slippage had occurred when compared to original timescales. A refresh of the corporate parenting strategy was due in September.



Theme 4 – Decision Making


Progress continued to be made across all workstreams although some areas were experiencing issues.


Further amendments to the Financial regulations would be presented to Council in October. After recommendations from the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, all SEND Transport contracts had now been offered and accepted in line with commencement from the new academic year. Issues were present due to the returning of contracts from providers.


Concern was raised that the new model for SEND Transport had not been reported to Scrutiny or the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. This provided little opportunity for members to comment especially since issues were now being raised by operators. The low risk score was also questioned as the desired impact had not been achieved.


Theme 5 – Procurement and Commercial


Delivery timescales had seen some slippage, but progress was still being made.


Legal representatives on both sides had caused a slight slippage to the Lion Farm Options Agreement due to longer than expected negotiations in relation to the Expert Determination Process.


Theme 6 – Partnerships and Relationships


Changes had been made to the original SCT Governance Arrangements. A review of Key Performance Indicators was currently taking place and due to conclude in Autumn. This was a slight deviation from the original timescales. Desktop assessments had been completed and communications with organisations had commended relating to the Corporate Review of Grant Funding.


Having considered the progress, the following questions and recommendations were raised by members: -


Employee Engagement Survey

·      Could the total number of respondents be provided to provide context to the percentage of respondents stating that they did not expect action to be taken as a result of partaking in a survey.

·      How did we ensure that “hard to each” staff were engaged with?

·      Was there any incentive for completing the survey?

·      How did we grant anonymity?


The Strategic Lead for Service Improvement confirmed that no incentives had been provided to encourage surveys to be completed, however, anonymity and safety were guaranteed.


Members questioned why more reference had not been made to partnership working within the West Midlands Combined Authority despite it being a key area of improvement recommended by the Governance Review. It was confirmed that this would be reviewed and strengthened in the improvement plan.


As a result of a detailed analysis concerning culture, the following points and recommendations were raised: -


·      Too much focus had been made on officer/member relationships; more focus needs to be put towards the improved decision making and ability to speak up and escalate when necessary.

·      How are improvements to the culture of the Council being assessed?

·      Could external consultants be used to ensure fresh eyes?

·      Could the culture of the Council be added to the risk register as culture can have massive impacts on the financial and reputational image of the authority?

·      In the event of culture being added to the risk register, could a constant rating of red be attributed to ensure that it is always discussed?

·      What are we doing to improve the morale of unhappy staff?

·      How did we consult with staff and the public – is it effective?


The Board requested that future reports should detail how decisions were arrived at rather than just an update on the actions taken. Members commented on the absence of the “customer journey” in the Improvement Plan despite it being a focus of the Commissioners.


The following areas were deemed as key areas for future reports to Scrutiny:-


·      Combined Authority

·      Council Culture and how we engage with hard to reach staff

·      Procurement processes followed to achieve goals

·      Customer Journey and public engagement


The Strategic Lead for Service Improvement noted the recommendations and agreed to provide further information in due course. It was agreed that future reports to Scrutiny on the Improvement Plan would be single agenda items with all Directors invited to attend.




(1)     that the progress of the Improvement Plan up to 4 August 2022 be noted;

(2)     that the recommendations/comments of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board be reported to Cabinet at their meeting on 28 September for their consideration;

(3)     that the future updates on the Improvement Plan be single agenda items to the Board with a focus on how decisions were arrived at rather than just an update on the actions taken;


(4)     that further reports be considered on:


·               Combined Authority

·               Council Culture and how we engage with hard to reach staff

·               Procurement processes followed to achieve goals

·               Customer Journey and public engagement


Supporting documents: