Agenda item - Scrutiny Review

Agenda item

Scrutiny Review

To comment on and consider the work undertaken in relation to the scrutiny review.



The Democratic Services Manager presented proposals arising from the review of the overview and scrutiny function. 


The review arose following a LGA peer assessment in 2018/2019. One of the recommendations of the review was that a comprehensive governance review should be undertaken of the Constitution, the scrutiny function and its effectiveness, the member code of conduct etc.  The recent Grant Thorn Best Value review had also recommended a review of overview and scrutiny. 


The scrutiny review had considered statutory guidance by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) which detailed approaches on what effective scrutiny looks like and how to conduct it.


Following a series of engagement sessions with elected members, officers analysed the feedback and six key strands emerged as follows:-


·               Culture;

·               Relationships;

·               Work programme;

·               Structure;

·               Support;

·               Agile working.


Culture was the single most important factor that would determine whether we could deliver excellent overview and scrutiny and therefore more work was needed to encourage a healthy culture that empowered members.


In order to encourage a healthy culture, a framework had been developed which included drafting job roles for scrutiny chairs, members and co-opted members to ensure there was clear role and focus, sets out expectations of members of the Board, including performance management issues, attendance at meetings, reading of papers in advance, etc.


An improvement plan had also been developed to strengthen overview and scrutiny in Sandwell and sought to introduce a new approach to setting the work programme, strengthening training and development, clarifying roles and responsibilities of key persons, developing protocols to encourage engagement and involving stakeholders to help facilitate informed debate and discussion and promote the overview and scrutiny function by improving its presence on social media and the website.


The improvement plan was part of a two year programme of improvements to raise the profile of scrutiny so that it was valued and added value. 


In order to reinforce the importance of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, to enable a more rich discussion and debate and mirror membership numbers across all scrutiny boards, it was proposed to appoint a vice chair on the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board and to also include within its membership, the four vice scrutiny chairs who currently attended meetings but could not vote on matters. 


Members discussed the importance of good scrutiny as well as the good progress and work already undertaken to date. Positive feedback was also received in relation to recent training events.


In response to questions from members, the following responses were provided: -


·      current support provided to scrutiny boards by Democratic Service Officers would be circulated to scrutiny chairs for clarity;

·      scrutiny board meetings would be livestreamed in the Council Chamber, when available; meetings taking place in Committee Room 1 could also be recorded and uploaded once finished but not livestreamed.  This would enable openness and transparency of scrutiny meetings;

·      a further report was required on the timescales for potentially fitting the Committee Rooms with livestreaming equipment;

·      as part of the recommendations to amend the membership of the Board, political proportionality would need to be considered;

·      working with the Communications Team, consideration should be given to the use of the Sandwell Herald to promote overview and scrutiny work across the Borough.




(1)          that the work undertaken to date on the scrutiny review be noted;



(2)        that the Council be recommended to approve the following improvements, that have been identified as part of the scrutiny review 2022:-


(a)          the appointment of all scrutiny vice chairs to the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, to make a total of 10 members on the Board;


(b)          subject to (a) above the appointment of a vice chair to the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board from amongst the new Board membership;


(c)          the role descriptions for Chairs, Vice Chairs, Overview and Scrutiny Elected Members and Co-opted members as set out in Appendix 1;


(d)          the following protocols, as set out in Appendix 2, in order to support and promote healthy working relations:-


     Scrutiny Chairs, Vice Chairs and Scrutiny Elected Members with the Executive; and

     Scrutiny Chairs, Vice Chairs and Scrutiny Members with Officers


(e)          to authorise the Director – Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer to make all necessary consequential changes to the Constitution to give effect to the approved changes.





(3)          that approval be given to the Scrutiny Improvement Plan, as set out in Appendix 3 and authorises the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer to develop communication and engagement protocols/plans as set out in the Plan and provide regular updates to the Board;


(4)         that the Scrutiny Handbook be noted and the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer be authorised to develop further guidance tools and training for both members and officers in order to promote the scrutiny function;


(5)         that the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer, in consultation with the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, be authorised to continue to review the overview and scrutiny arrangements in Sandwell


(6)          that scrutiny board meetings to take place in the Council Chamber, where possible, to enable livestreaming to take place;


(7)          that a further report be submitted to members on the timescales for potentially fitting the Committee Rooms with livestreaming equipment;


(8)          that working with the Communications Team, consideration should be given to the use of the Sandwell Herald to promote overview and scrutiny work across the Borough.


Supporting documents: