Agenda item - Programme Updates

Agenda item

Programme Updates

To receive an update on programme activity since the submission of the remaining project Summary Documentation in March 2022.


Since the submission of project Summary Documentation in March 2022, officers have completed a number of activities to ensure governance and delivery arrangements are in place whilst awaiting government approval. An overview of activities undertaken were shared with the board.


·      Governance arrangements approved by SMBC Cabinet: This includes the delegated authority to make any changes to the make-up of Town Deal Boards, by the Director of Regeneration in consultation with a Governance Officer.


·      SMBC Cabinet Approval for Procurement Activities: This approval allows all SMBC projects to proceed with procurement requirements without having to go to Cabinet for approval which would delay the process to fit within Cabinet timelines.


·      Assurance Framework: This framework details the policies and procedures in place for the management of the programme and individual projects. This includes, Risk, Changes, Claims process and Reporting mechanisms.  The framework will be updated as and when required to ensure it is fit for purpose and to provide assurance to the Town Deal Board, Accountable Body and Projects in the management of the programme.


Approved Financial Profiles

Drawdown Financial Profiles have been confirmed by government. This profile outlines when projects require funding from government.


The three projects approved by Government in 2021/22 have incurred spend as per their agreed financial profiles. For projects not approved in 2021/22, spend has incurred utilising 5% advanced funding pot received in September 2021. This has funded works required prior to government approval.


Following approval of the remaining three projects, funding is expected in August 2022.


Ongoing financial profile updates have been requested by DLUCH. Officers are currently in the process of reviewing the financial profile to see if projects forecast underspend/ overspend in 2022/23 financial year due to the later approval from government.


This review will prove to be beneficial as it is envisaged an annual performance review will be undertaken by Government against profiled spend and projects should prevent having large underspend.


Spend to date will be shared with Board Members at future meetings with  commentary on the overall project progress to date.


As per the Change Request Process outlined within the Assurance Framework, any financial profile changes between years above 250k will be approved by S151 Officer and the Town Deal Board Chair prior to submission to government. Where there is a decrease/ increase requested from projects, these can be presented to Board Members for reallocation. However, a written procedure is in place if such decisions are required to be made swiftly.


Approved Mandatory Outputs/ Outcomes

Board Members received details of the mandatory and individual project level outputs and outcomes that projects will report on. Projects have been requested to forecast these by financial years to indicate when these will be achieved within the programme. Board Members were reminded some outcomes would not be achieved until later on in the programme. Any outputs claimed will be verified by the Accountable Body prior to release of funds and will be reported back to government.


Approved Local Measures

Projects also committed to delivering Local Measures and will be required to report on these throughout the claims process.


Social Value

Projects have committed to delivering Social Value measures and will be required to report on these throughout the claims process. Further works around the definition of Local Spend will be undertaken so that projects and Board members are aware of what Local Spend is (radius).




West Bromwich Programme Update

Each quarter, projects are required to RAG rate aspects of their project progress which will be reported on a 6-monthly basis to government. These will be reviewed and agreed with Project leads prior to submission. This information will be presented to Board Members with commentary on the project activities over the last quarter as a summary. The top 3 risks from each project will be reported to Board Members.