Agenda item - Scrutiny Boards Work Programme 2022-23

Agenda item

Scrutiny Boards Work Programme 2022-23

To consider and approve the work programme for 2022-23 for each Scrutiny Board.



The Chair invited each Scrutiny Chair to present their work programme for the 2022-23 municipal year which was outlined as follows:


Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board


The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board presented the 2022-2023 work programme. The Children’s Services COVID Recovery Funds item was highlighted as an upcoming item.


As a result of the pandemic, members suggested that scrutiny should consider reviewing how the Council monitored home-schooled children. Concerns were raised around the well-being of the children as it appeared several may not be getting the support they need. The Senior Democratic Services Officer confirmed that this was an item to be scheduled and that conversations were taking place with the relevant officers to begin the process.


Members sought clarification on the safeguarding aspect of this issue. The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board reassured the Board that safeguarding concerns would be presented at the next meeting of the Board.


Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment


The Chair of the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board presented the 2022-23 work programme.  It was noted that the Board had a mixture of strategic items of importance such as the Black Country Enterprise Partnership, Local Transport Plan and the Outcome of the E-Scooters Trial.


Health and Adult Social Care


The Chair of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board highlighted the work programme for the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board which remained under review pending further discussions with NHS and Black Country Partners.


It was proposed to include an item on men’s mental health as a future Board item. Concerns were raised around the considerable high rate of suicide in males and was therefore deemed a priority.  Additionally, members discussed the possibility of expanding further on this topic by including a review into domestic abuse aimed towards men.


Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities


The Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board presented the work programme for 2022-23. In particular, a scrutiny review in relation to Brandhall Golf Course was highlighted as a priority of the Board. Due to the vast number of items to be covered by the Scrutiny Board, it was agreed that further meetings could be scheduled if required.


Members offered a suggestion of reviewing current policies around loft conversions as part of the Housing Strategy review. Many Sandwell Council tenants had stated that the Council had refused to allow them to convert loft spaces. It was proposed that this may alleviate some of the issues currently faced when considering social housing shortages. This also prompted discussion around the need for more bungalows to help older citizens downsize during their later years.  The Chair of the SNAC Scrutiny Board noted the recommendation.


SMB Chair Summary


The Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board reminded members that, this municipal year, each of the Scrutiny Boards will hold pre-meetings as well as agenda setting meetings. This would help officers in feeding information in a timely and effective manner to their respective Boards.


It was noted that the Scrutiny Recommendation Action Tracker had been implemented across all Scrutiny Boards and regularly presented to the Council’s Leadership Team for monitoring.


The Chair encouraged Members to have regular meetings with Directors and Cabinet Members. The Director of Law and Governance & Monitoring Officer expressed how keeping good scrutiny practices would help play a key role in demonstrating to central government that the Council was making improvements with decision-making processes overall.







(1)          that the work programme for the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board, the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Boards and the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board for 2022-2023 be approved;


(2)          that the Chair and Vice Chair of Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board, in consultation with the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board, agree the work programme for Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board 2022-23 following the work programming session with the Board; 


(3)          that the Chairs of Scrutiny Boards be authorised to make any further amendments to their respective Scrutiny Board work programmes, as deemed necessary.  


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