Agenda item - COVID Recovery Fund

Agenda item

COVID Recovery Fund

To consider proposals for using remaining COVID-19 funding to deliver COVID recovery related projects based on our Fairer Sandwell principles.




(1) That approval be given to the use of the remaining COVID-19 funding to deliver COVID recovery related projects based on our Fairer Sandwell principles, subject to ensuring £2m of funding is retained for a COVID resilience fund in the event of further COVID restrictions.


(2) That approval be given to the use of £8m of COVID funding during 2022/23 to 2024/25 to deliver the proposals set out in Appendix A.


(3) That approval be given to a £1m COVID Community Fund to which the voluntary and community sector can bid for funding to deliver their own COVID recovery projects.


(4) That subject to (3) above, delegated authority be given to the Director ofBusiness Strategy and Change in consultation with the Cabinet Memberfor Finance and Resources to implement the COVID Community Fund scheme


(5) That the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, be authorised to agree further spend proposals from the COVID Recovery earmarked reserve.



                  Approval was sought for use of the remaining COVID-19 funding to deliver COVID recovery related projects based on our Fairer Sandwell principles, subject to ensuring £2m of funding was retained for a COVID resilience fund in the event of further COVID restrictions.


                  Approval was also sought to the use of £8m of COVID funding during 2022/23 to 2024/25 to deliver the proposals and a £1m COVID Community Fund to which the voluntary and community sector can bid for funding to deliver their own COVID recovery projects.


                  The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board asked whether it was possible to be kept updated on the outcomes of the Covid Recovery Fund.


                  In response, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources stated that progress reports would be brought back to Cabinet on the COVID Recovery Fund and Leadership Team were also exploring other priorities where COVID funding may be appropriate, linked to the Corporate Plan and Fairer Sandwell Principles.


                  The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board also enquired about the gym/play equipment in local parks that required replacing or repairing.  The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources stated that there was a separate item on the agenda on the Council’s Green Spaces Strategy which set out the Council’s priorities and funding strategy for this service.


                  The Local Community Fund was also a way for Councillors to seek funding for specific projects. 



Reason for Decision

During the COVID pandemic, all local authorities were given additional funding from central government to mitigate the spend pressures and loss of income caused by COVID restrictions, and to support the Public Health activities needed to contain the spread of the virus.


The Council was required to report on how it was spent and the COVID pressures that the funding was used for. Given the improved level of COVID infection and impact nationally, it was recommended that the remaining funding was used towards a COVID Recovery Strategy to focus on services where there was either a backlog of work due to the impact of the pandemic or where residents/businesses required extra support to recover from the longer-term impact of COVID. It was also suggested that a proportion was set aside as a contingency for any further restrictions should a new variant emerge.


Alternative Options Considered

The alternative options were to approve the proposals or to ask for amended proposals to be presented at a future Cabinet meeting.




(1)     that approval be given to the use of the remaining COVID-19 funding to deliver COVID recovery related projects based on our Fairer Sandwell principles, subject to ensuring £2m of funding is retained for a COVID resilience fund in the event of further COVID restrictions;


(2)     that approval be given to the use of £8m of COVID funding during 2022/23 to 2024/25 to deliver the proposals set out in Appendix A, as now submitted;



(3)     that approval be given to a £1m COVID Community Fund to which the voluntary and community sector can bid for funding to deliver their own COVID recovery projects;


(4)    that subject to Resolution (3) above, the Director of Business Strategy and Change, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, be authorised to implement the COVID Community Fund scheme;


(5)    that the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, be authorised to agree further spend proposals from the COVID Recovery earmarked reserve.


Supporting documents: