Agenda item - New Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Agenda item

New Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

To consider and approve the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022.




(1)      That details of the progress made to date in reviewing the

          Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy be received.


(2)      That the refreshed Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2022, as set out in the Appendix, be approved.



Approval was sought for the refreshed Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2022.


The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board asked whether it was anticipated that Sandwell Council would provide more of this type of accommodation in other parts of the borough and if tenants received support and guidance about employment and financial issues.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Housing stated that Sandwell would continue to maximise the use of its own stock for the provision of temporary accommodation, but the ambition was to reduce the use of temporary accommodation by increasing sustainable housing options, this included the development of new Council properties, single property acquisitions and appropriation/conversion of unused Council assets into the council stock. Incentives and support was also offered to private landlords to increase the availability of affordable good quality private rented accommodation.


The Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board enquired about the key performance indicators in place to monitor the effectiveness of the strategy and to ensure regular contact with service users.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Housing stated that there were a range of prevention tools and measures both in place and in development, this included:-


·      Communication and education – inform the residents of Sandwell of the help that was available to them should they be struggling to pay their rent or mortgage and the importance of approaching us for support as early as possible. This would include access to advice on income maximisation, including pathways to work and / benefit entitlement.



·      Homelessness prevention fund – resource available to help prevent homelessness which could be used in a variety of ways including but not limited to helping people with short term rent arrears, or helping people secure a new home by paying for deposit and other set up costs.

·      Better partnerships with private rented sector landlords – “Call Before You Serve” was a project that supported landlords who were considering evicting their tenants. Sandwell would help landlords work with their tenants to sustain their tenancies. Work was also underway with landlords to incentivise them in offering affordable properties to homeless households, increasing the range of housing options available.

·      Support for people with mental health and drug and alcohol related issues –  the Council had secured funding to provide a mental health and drug and alcohol support worker specifically to support homeless clients who present with these complex issues.

·      Improved partnership working with internal and external partners – Sandwell were working with partners to ensure that they contact us when they were working with households whose are at risk of becoming homelessness now or in the future.


Reason for Decision

Under the Homelessness Act 2002, local authorities to produce a homelessness review and a homelessness strategy, on a maximum five-year cycle, that set out the strategic direction that the local authority would take to tackle homelessness. The Council last adopted a homelessness strategy in April 2018 and in partnership with Sandwell’s Homelessness Partnership, officers had produced a revised and refreshed strategy to provide this strategic direction from 2022-2027. 


Alternative Options Considered

There were no alternative options. The Council was obliged under law to have a Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy.




(1)     that details of the progress made to date in reviewing the Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy be received;


(2)     that the refreshed Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2022, be approved.



Supporting documents: