Agenda item - Recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract

Agenda item

Recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract

To consider the recommendations of the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board in relation to the scrutiny review of the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract.


Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Economy Skills Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board in respect to the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract review.



                  The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Economy Skills Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board in respect of the Scrutiny Review of the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract.


                  On behalf of the Cabinet Member for the Environment, the Leader thanked the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board for their comprehensive report and recommendations. 


                  The Cabinet Member for Community Safety highlighted the thorough scrutiny report and welcomed the recommendation to introduce a Scrutiny Board to monitor the management and performance of the Council’s contracts and to look at contracted services.


                  The efforts of the frontline staff during the pandemic were highlighted and emphasised that the inquiry focused on the wider management and performance of the contract.


                  Reasons for Decision

                  In response to both public and political concern, the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board decided to undertake a review of the performance and management of the waste partnership contract.


                  The repercussions of Covid-19 had undoubtedly provided additional challenges for Serco in delivering its contractual requirements. That aside, the Scrutiny Board felt that significant issues remained with the performance and management of the contract.


                  The findings and recommendations set out in the report were based on evidence gathered between October and December 2021, from a variety of sources.



                  The Cabinet was requested to consider the recommendations and determine what action it wished to take. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, the Cabinet was requested to respond to the recommendations of the scrutiny board within two months, setting out any approved recommendations and how they would be implemented. Progress against these recommendations would be monitored by the Children and Education Scrutiny Board.


                  Alternative Options Considered

                  The waste partnership contract was a high value contract. The risk of default would have a significant impact on both Serco and the Council, and ultimately our Council taxpayers if the contract were to fail. To do nothing was not an option. Whilst the former Interim Director Borough Economy had begun to address some of the areas of concern, this review had strengthened and complemented that work.


Agreed that the Cabinet consider the following recommendations from the Economy Skills Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board in respect of the Scrutiny Review of the Performance and Management of the Waste Partnership Contract and respond to the recommendations within two months, setting out any approved recommendations and how they will be implemented.:


(1)        that Serco sets out within its Service Delivery Plan 2022/23 how it will increase recycling rates, including options for recycling in communal living areas;


(2a)   that Serco provides a contractually compliant communication andengagement plan and that this is aligned to the Council’s functions;


(2b)   that the plan is monitored through the agreed governance structures for the monitoring of the contract, including the Waste Partnership Board;


(3)     that arrangements for the reintroduction of food waste collections in 2022 be shared and agreed with the Authorised Officer by end of March 2022;


(4)     that Serco works with the Director of Borough Economy to develop a plan for the promotion of re-use options (i.e. for furniture), including working with voluntary sector partners;


(5a)   that Serco reviews its approach to street cleansing, and submits a Street Cleansing Improvement Plan to the Director of Borough Economy by end March 2022, setting out a revised approach that moves away from the current and ineffective zone-based approach and takes into account population density, seasonality and data on areas of highest need;


(5b)   that the Plan is monitored and improvement progress/delivery/KPIs is reported and monitored through the agreed governance structures for the monitoring of the contract, including the Waste Partnership Board;


(6a)   that Serco completes an audit of Sandwell’s street litter bin stock and its condition by end of March 2022;


(6b)   that Serco submits plans for consideration of a pilot scheme to implement smart          technology linked to suitable locations for street bins;


(7a)   that the progress made with the Fleet Replacement Programme is maintained and that Serco submits the delayed Fleet Replacement Programme, which should be aligned with operational requirements and the Street Cleansing Improvement Plan, and include options for a more sustainable fleet, to the Director of Borough Economy by end of April 2022;


(7b)   that the delivery of the Fleet Replacement Programme is monitored through the agreed governance structures for the monitoring of the contract, including the Waste Partnership Board;


(8)     that both Serco and the Council consider reviewing the resources and funding provided to Litter Watch, with a view to increasing these if possible;


(9)     that Serco informs the Authorised Officer of any changes to its senior management teams, in connection with the contract, within 10 days of the new post-holder’s start date;


(10a)that Serco provides an update to the Scrutiny Board, in six months, on the progress made to improve morale and resolve workforce issues, including the establishment of the joint internal working group referred to in evidence gathering;


(10b)that the Director Borough Economy ensures that Serco is carrying out its contractual requirements in relation to undertaking regular staff surveys and that the results of such surveys are acted upon         appropriately;


(11)   that the constitution and terms of reference of the Waste Partnership Strategic Board are reviewed, and consideration is given to including the relevant scrutiny Chair as a member of the Board;


(12)   that the Director of Law and Governance ensures that the Joint Consultative meets regularly (e.g. quarterly) to enable any staffing issues in relation to the contract to be addressed in a timely manner;


(13a)that the Governance and Constitution Review Committee is asked to recommend to the Council that an additional scrutiny board is established, with effect from the 2022/23 municipal year, to monitor the management and performance of the Council’s contracts with Serco, Sandwell Children’s Trust and Sandwell Leisure Trust;


(13b)that the new board considers how stakeholders and the public can contribute to its work and monitoring processes;


(14)   that the Director of Borough Economy reviews the structure of the Waste Client Team to ensure that it is sufficiently resourced to support a higher level of oversight and contract monitoring;


(15)   that a review is undertaken, and a process established, within 12 months, to ensure that there is clarity between the Council and Serco in terms of ownership and responsibility in the public realm.


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