Agenda item - Blackheath Bus Interchange and Public Realm Project Update

Agenda item

Blackheath Bus Interchange and Public Realm Project Update

To receive an update from the project lead on the Blackheath Bus Interchange and Public Realm project.


Andy Miller provided a project overview including strategic rationale and alignment with vision for town centres. The project aims to pedestrianise a central part of the town centre.


The complexity of the project, and the various sensitivities that need to be assessed has resulted in difficulty calculating the BCR. This is the primary reason for the delay in programme and why the FBC has yet to be complete. Consultation proposed for later this year.


There are many stakeholders involved with the project who will need to be consulted in due course.


The project has a total value of £3.74m. This also includes contributions from Transport for West Midlands. There is currently a project board in place which are overseeing the development of the FBC. Andy Miller is chairing this and also has representation from TfWM.


Jenna Langford invited to introduce the governance and assurance proposals to ensure the project is submitted on time to DLUHC. Given that there is no FBC to present to Superboard, and understanding the need for proper due diligence, it is proposed that the FBC be assessed in an exceptional meeting of the assurance panel on the 10th March. In order to provide a level of Superboard and Local Board oversight, it is proposed that Adrian Eggington, Chair of the Rowley Regis Local Board, also be present on the assurance panel as a representative. The assurance panel, in collaboration with Adrian, would then review and approve the FBC.


Question - James Morris MP. If consultation is not proposed before the submission to DLUHC, how can we utilise the feedback?


Andy Miller recognised that if it were outside the Towns Fund process, this would not have been the preferred approach, however, the primary reason was that no design or detailed work had been done to this point and therefore there was little of note to consult on. Furthermore, there has been conceptual consultation done previously, for which there was support and this provides basis for the project, although there is further work to be done to address specific feedback around access.


James Morris happy pleased to hear this work had been done previously. No further question or alternative proposals to what have been suggested by Jenna Langford.


Tony McGovern advised that despite being at FBC stage, the future plans are still subject to change dependent on future design and consultation. The FBC will be circulated to board members on completion, so Superboard will have sight of the document.


Question - John Spellar MP. Concerned about traffic, where will traffic go if the through road is pedestrianised?


Andy Miller advised that the ring road is likely to be the main route following works, it has been identified that the majority of road users are currently not using the road to explicitly access the town centre, rather to pass through. This has impacts on levels of pollution. The FBC, and associated BCR calculations, are taking these implications into account and will need to show clear benefit if it is to be passed by assurance panel.


John Spellar advised that he is not overly happy, in principle, with the proposed assurance arrangements, however, he will have a discussion with James Morris MP- as the local MP for the area- and come back to the board if there are any significant problems arising.


Geoff Foster advised that he would like to see an improved project management approach for this project going forward.


Vote: Agreement for the Blackheath Bus Interchange FBC to be submitted to an exceptional assurance panel on 10th March and for Adrian Eggington to attend as a representative of Superboard. 


Vote passed by majority.


Note that John Spellar MP and James Morris MP agreed to have a further conversation and feedback to Jude Thompson if any issues arise.