Agenda item - Towns Fund Programme Update

Agenda item

Towns Fund Programme Update

To receive a report outlining the progress for Tranche 3 projects and activity of the Town Deal Local Boards, including the approved minutes from the October/ November meetings for Superboard’s reference.


Jude Thompson introduced Jenna Langford, Towns Fund Programme Manager, to present an overview of the programme progress. Key points for board consideration were:


·       The Albion Foundation withdrew Smethwick’s Albion Family in the Park project due to a number of practical issues hampering project development and delivery.


·       In light of the above, the 6% reduction to all projects in Smethwick (as a result of not achieving full grant ask) is no longer required as the costs allocated for Albion in the Park can now be reallocated between remaining projects (with the exception of Smethwick Connected). A project adjustment form has been completed and will be submitted to DLUHC.


·       Feedback has been received from DLUHC on the Digital Den project. Officers are working with Government and project team to provide supporting information where requested.


Board were updated with regards to the programme risk register. There are no longer any remaining red risks across the programme. The audit committee agrees with this assessment which is positive news and reflects recent work to explore efficiencies in procedure through the assurance panel process.


The programme is now moving into delivery stage rather than development. This will require a revision of the risk register to reflect these changes going forward.


Jenna proceeded to provide a brief town by town update to board members on the projects not covered in today’s agenda.


West Bromwich: Full Business Cases (FBC) are progressing well. A number of projects will require further tweaks to the FBC as a result of the assurance panel review in advance of final submission to DLUHC. Brief overview of the projects not covered on today’s meeting - none of which are red rated (i.e. in danger of slippage). 


Smethwick: Projects will receive their 6% reallocation (with the exception of Smethwick Connected). Brief overview of the projects not covered on today’s meeting - none of which are red rated (i.e. in danger of slippage). 


Austin Bell advises that the planning application for the Midland Metropolitan Learning Campus has been submitted to the LPA this week.


John Spellar MP voiced support for both Midland Met Learning Campus and the Grove Lane projects as priority sites given these have the most transformational scope in his view.


Rowley Regis: FBCs are progressing, all projects are currently in line with expectations other than the Blackheath Bus Interchange Project which is currently red rated. Work is underway to bring that project back into acceptable tolerances.


Town Board Chairs were invited to provide an update of discussions at Local Board meetings.


West Bromwich


Chris Hinson provided an update of the board meeting that took place this week. Everything is progressing well with regards the outstanding projects. Board are happy with progress and have been highly engaged in the process to date. Questions invited but none forthcoming.


Rowley Regis


Adrian Eggington provided a brief update on the local board meeting that took place last week. The board had been updated on the progress of the outstanding FBCs.


Risk had been a topic of conversation, particularly in light of recent hyperinflation of material costs. Methods to control these costs are being explored at individual project level.


Blackheath Bus Interchange has been a challenging project, but signs of improvement are there, and much work is being done on this project by the project team.




Jenna Langford provided an update in place of Alan Taylor. Last meeting of the local board was positive and board members continue to be supportive of projects. 


Albion in the Park no longer part of the Towns Fund Programme. The 6% reallocation to projects will hopefully help some of the aforementioned issues surrounding material/ cost inflation experienced recently in the market.

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