Agenda item - External Audit Report - Value For Money Governance Review and Improvement Plan

Agenda item

External Audit Report - Value For Money Governance Review and Improvement Plan

To consider the External Audit Report - Value For Money Governance Review and Improvement Plan.


The Interim Chief Executive made an announcement in relation to the ministerial statement which had been issued by Kemi Badenoch MP (Minister of State for Equalities and Levelling Up Communities) and the letter from the Deputy Director of Local Government Stewardship (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities), seeking representations regarding the proposed intervention measures at Sandwell Council following the publishing of the Grant Thornton report containing 45 recommendations.


Officers from the Council’s external auditor, Grant Thornton, presented the Value For Money Governance Review and Improvement Plan and outlined the key findings.


In response to questions it was highlighted:-


-       Audit and Risk Assurance Committee had looked in detail at the Wragge Report and the Council had also spent a number of years looking into these matters that happened almost a decade ago and this was one of reasons that had triggered the review;

-       the level of partnership working had not been as strong as it could have been over recent years, and action was required to rectify this;

-       scrutiny played an important role and strong scrutiny in delivering agreed areas and holding the executive to account would be welcomed;

-       while it is important to celebrate success, success had not been delivered across the board and it was not appropriate to focus on particular areas – a corporate grip was required;

-       the use of Council policies and procedures had not operated and had not fully protected the Council either in terms of procurement or service delivery;

-       the report does reflect a number of positive steps and actions that have been taken in terms of member development over the past year, the report does however, have a number of recommendations to take that forward.

-       the Commonwealth Games was an important programme and a clear plan was in place;

-       the timescales were considered to be comfortable and would be monitored, holding Cabinet and officers to account;

-       the waste review being undertaken by scrutiny was welcomed;

-       training did not have to be face-to-face but be via a number of different media that could ensure members were appropriately trained;

-       it had been recognised that officers had been impacted by issues identified and appropriate support would be provided.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 11, Councillor Abrahams moved the following amendment, which was duly seconded:-


“This Council calls upon the Chief Executive to respond to the letter from the Secretary of State regarding the Grant Thornton audit report accepting the recommendation that commissioners are appointed to assist Sandwell Council with the development and implantation of an improvement plan and assist with any other business of the Council as necessary to ensure best value for the people of Sandwell”.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 12, Councillor Abrahams called for a named vote. The required support to the request was achieved and the amendment was put to a named vote as follows:-



Councillors Abrahams, Anandou, Chambers, Chapman, Fisher,

W Gill, Henlan, Kalari, S Singh, and Williams.



Councillors Ahmed, Akhter, Akpoteni, Allen, Ashman, Bhullar, Bostan, Carmichael, Chidley, Crompton, Fenton, Gavan,

E M Giles, E A Giles, L Giles, G Gill, M Gill, Hackett, Hartwell, Hinchliff, Hughes, Z Hussain, O Jones, S Jones, Kaur, Kausar, Khatun, Mabena, McVittie, Melia, Millar, Millard, Moore, Owen,

C S Padda, I Padda, Piper, Randhawa, Rollins, Rouf, Simms, Taylor and Webb.



Councillor Hadley.


The original recommendations were put to the vote and, having been carried, it was


Resolved that the Improvement Plan to address the recommendations made by Grant Thornton and the proposed reporting mechanisms to ensure progress is managed effectively be approved.

Supporting documents: