Agenda for Audit and Risk Assurance Committee on Thursday, 19th January, 2023, 6.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee - Thursday, 19th January, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Sandwell Council House, Oldbury. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Choudhry and Mr Hussain (Independent Member).



Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests in matters to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 379 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022..


Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 November 2022 is confirmed as a correct record.



Urgent Business

To determine whether there are any additional items of business to be considered as a matter of urgency.


There was no urgent business for discussion.



Improvement Plan Progress – External Review Reports pdf icon PDF 460 KB

To consider and comment on Grant Thornton’s reissued Value for Money Governance Review Report, Grant Thornton’s Follow Up Review Report, the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review and the CIPFA FM Model Re-assessment Report.

Additional documents:


The Improvement Plan incorporated all recommendations from the Grant Thornton Governance Review, the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge and the CIPFA Financial Management Review, as well as the Statutory Directions from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.


Updates were provided to the Committee in relation to the follow-up reviews conducted by the external reviewers.


Grant Thornton’s Value for Money follow-up review


The follow-up review found that the Council had continued to build on the initial improvements recognised by Grant Thornton in their original report. Significant progress on several recommendations particularly around corporate grip, improvement performance and decision making were highlighted.


Clear evidence had been shown that the Council was making better procurement and commercial decisions and that working relationships between the Council and key partners had improved. The notable progress on the implementation of replacement ERP systems was also recognised.


Greater stability at a political and senior officer level was present and a more mature approach between the Leader, Cabinet, Committees and senior officers was taking place.


An additional four key recommendations had been identified from the review which would be incorporated into the next rendition of the Improvement Plan:-


·               The Council must conclude the design of Phase 2 of the Improvement Plan;

·               The Council needed to ensure that the new corporate Project Management Officer (PMO) remained appropriately resourced, integrated all transformation and change activity being undertaken across the Council, and had access to appropriate data sources to be able to effectively monitor the delivery;

·               The Council should progress and finalise outstanding actions relating to the previous recommendations and;

·               Once all the planned revisions to the Constitution had been agreed, the Council would need to embed these changes and demonstrate sustainable improvements in governance and scrutiny of decision making.


The introduction of the additional recommendations would help provide further direction for the next stage of the Council’s improvement journey.  Members and officers were minded that the key to progress was to embed the changes already made to ensure that the desired impact is achieved.


In response to questions from members, it was confirmed that work to address historical problems and back-logs with the financial accounts was underway.


LGA Corporate Peer Challenge


Feedback from the LGA recognised the significant progress that had been made in a number of key areas to the good governance and management of the Council.  The LGA also stressed that the Council was on a journey that it would take time to embed the improvements required.


Although no additional recommendations were provided, key areas required were highlighted by the LGA to ensure that progress continued. It was recognised that progress against the improvement plan had improved, Cabinet and Leadership were working well, and difficult decisions were being made. Work on the constitution was praised and reviewers were pleased to see heavy engagement from members. One area of improvement identified in particular was against the Customer Journey goals.


Officers confirmed that the Customer Journey was a key part of the transformation programme and a priority  ...  view the full minutes text for item 521.


Business Strategy and Change Directorate Risk Register Report pdf icon PDF 423 KB

To note and comment on the directorate risks.

Additional documents:


An update was noted by the Committee on the profile of the key risks currently faced by the Business Strategy and Change Directorate.  The directorate risk register would not include all of the risks faced by the directorate; some risks would be captured within service, programme and risk registers separately.

The directorate contained many key services including communications, Customer Service, Strategy and Performance, Technology and HR.

One risk was currently rated Red, seven were rated Amber and three risks were rated Green.

In response to questions, it was confirmed that none of the risks would be impacted by the recent departure of the Director for Business Strategy and Change.  It was highlighted that staff recruitment varied depending on the department and that more frequent reporting would take place to analyse the difficulties faced in attracting to posts.

Several risk registers remained which would be scheduled into the Committee’s work programme.



Regeneration and Growth Directorate Risk Register Report pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To note and comment on the directorate risks.

Additional documents:


The Committee received an update on the profile of key risks faced by the Regeneration and Growth Directorate.


The directorate was responsible for delivering economic and social prosperity as well as working with local enterprise partnerships, the Chamber of Commerce and the West Midlands Combined Authority.  The directorate also contained a number of service areas including planning and building development, transport, major regeneration programmes, facilities management and the Sandwell Aquatic Centre.


In total, three risks were rated Green, five risks were rated as Amber and two risks were rated as Red (dangerous structures and the delivery of the regeneration pipeline).


Officers clarified that although a dangerous structure reserve was present, a budget was not readily available to tackle grot spots.  This was due to financial constraints and the prioritisation of other, more important, statutory responsibilities of the Council.  All underspends across directorates had been used on savings and would not be available to use for tackling grot spots.


Members displayed concerns around the on-going problems with grot spots and dangerous structures in the borough and the lack of funding available to officers to help tackle those long-standing issues.  It was agreed that the concerns would be passed to the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board to consider adding the item to that Board’s work programme.


Resolved that the resourcing of initiatives to address Grot Spots and Dangerous Structures be referred to the Chair of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board for consideration for inclusion in that Board’s work programme.



Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 356 KB

Standing item to consider items on the Cabinet Forward Plan.


The Forward Plan was presented for information and to allow the Committee an opportunity to contribute to any items or raise any issues with the Executive.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Standing item to consider the work programme of the Committee.


The Committee noted the work programme for 2022/23.