Agenda for Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board on Tuesday, 8th February, 2022, 6.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board - Tuesday, 8th February, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Sandwell Council House, Oldbury. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2021.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2021 are approved as a correct record.


Additional Items of Business

To determine whether there are any additional items of business to be considered as a  matter of urgency.


There were no additional items of business to consider.




Budget Scrutiny Draft Budget 22-23 pdf icon PDF 207 KB

For the Board to consider the draft budget proposals for 2022/23. 


Additional documents:


The Cabinet, at its meeting on 15 December 2021, had referred the draft budget 2022/23 for consideration by the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board. 


The Board was informed that approximately £16m in savings was required for 2022/23 to ensure a balanced and sustainable budget could be set whilst maintaining a prudent level of reserves.  Savings proposals in principle had been identified in the sum of £14.6m which left a budget gap of approximately £1.4m.


The recent provisional Local Government Provisional Settlement set out the funding allocations for each local authority for 2022/23.  Whilst the Council has benefited from extra funding through the settlement, particularly from the new Services Grant 22/23 and increased Social Care grants, much of this was ring-fenced for specific purposes or to cover increased costs, such as the increase in the employers National Insurance Contribution rate from April 2022 which was estimated to cost the Council £0.8m. The extremely high inflation rates in the UK had also meant that forecast costs for gas and electric had increased since the draft budget was prepared and there were also further inflationary increases on Adult Social Care and other large contracts.


The additional funding in the settlement would result in closing the £1.4m gap remaining in the draft budget, subject to the £14.6m of proposals that had already been identified being deliverable. However, as some of the funding streams for next year were one-off or time-limited, it was envisaged that there was a need for additional savings to be found in 2023/24.


In relation to Council Tax, the draft budget included a 3.99% increase based on a 2% ‘core’ increase and 1.99% Adult Social Care (ASC) precept carried forward from 2021/22 as the Council chose not to take the full ASC precept allowable this year.  The provisional settlement confirmed that a further 1% Adult Social Care precept was permitted under the referendum limits.  If approved, this would generate additional ongoing income of £1.1m for the Council.  If the Council opted not to approve the additional 1%, the council tax income would be foregone on a permanent basis i.e. council tax income in future years would be £1.1m lower.

If approved, the additional 1% Council Tax income would be targeted towards Adult Social Care and would assist the Council in meeting the increased costs of placements and ensure the social care market locally remains sustainable. This may be particularly important in future years if the one-off funding from 2022/23 was not continued in future settlements.


A final decision on Council Tax would be made by Cabinet at its meeting on 23 February for approval by Council on 1 March 2022.


In relation to the Sandwell Children’s Trust, due to a number of pressures in the service, Cabinet would be recommended to consider allocating a sum of £70.47m which represented a 4% increase from 2021/22.


Following comments and questions from members of the Board, the following responses were made and issues highlighted:-


-        in response to the proposal to develop an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15/22


Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To consider the Cabinet Forward Plan


The Scrutiny Management Board noted the Cabinet Forward Plan as at the time of the meeting.


The Board requested that further clarification be given in relation to the item on the acquisition of the Kings Square, West Bromwich proposal. 


Resolved that the Director of Regeneration and Growth provide further information to the Board on the proposal for the acquisition of the Kings Square, West Bromwich proposal. 



Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board Work Programme 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider and approve items for inclusion in the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board Work Programme 2021-22.


The Scrutiny Management Board noted its work programme for the remainder of the 2021-22 municipal year.


In relation to Minute No. 5/22 above, a further item would be added to the work programme on Property Maintenance Account.