Issue - items at meetings - Green Spaces

Issue - meetings

Green Spaces

Meeting: 22/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 138)

138 Green Spaces Strategy - Implementation and Business Plan 2022/23 - 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 310 KB

To consider and approve the Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan 2022-25.

Additional documents:




(1) To approve the Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan 2022-25 as set out in Appendix A.


(2) That approval be given to the planned programme of works for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix A.


(3) That approval be given to pilot income generation initiatives in green spaces, as specified within the Green Spaces Strategy.


(4) That approval be given to the Governance Arrangements, as set out within the Green Spaces Strategy.


(5) That approval be given to the proposed new ways of working with Friends Groups, and the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism be authorised to approve the final agreement with Friends Groups following consultation.


(6) That the Director of Borough Economy be authorised to develop additional programme of works for green spaces in-year (2022/23), if funding becomes available for additional works, in consultation with the Cabinet Member.


(7) That the Director of Borough Economy authorise through the Service Manager emergency works for green spaces, as required for health and safety reasons.


                  Approval was sought to approve the Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan 2022-25.


The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board questioned whether repair of playground equipment would be a priority of the Strategy.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism gave assurance that the focus of 2022/23 would be on those priority works to resolve current health and safety or significant community impacts in parks and playgrounds.


The Chair of Safer Neighbourhoods and Active Communities Scrutiny Board asked whether funding would be available to the nature reserves that were not well known in the borough.



In response, the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism stated that officers were currently reviewing the designation of nature reserves, therefore this would ensure that the sites mentioned would be captured within the Strategy.


The Chair of the Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board commended officers responsible for the greenery added to roundabouts around Sandwell. However, concerns with the continual change of officers who were responsible for green spaces in Sandwell.  In response, the Cabinet Member stated that there were some vacancies in the Parks team which were currently being recruited to. It was advised that all issues should be reported via the Portal to ensure the correct team were aware of it.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources thanked officers and the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism for the report and noted the number of green flag park in the borough. It was also highlighted that there were lots of green spaces that were underdeveloped, often in deprived areas, therefore this should form part of the public health strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth commended officers for the work undertaken forming the Green Spaces Strategy.


                  Reasons for Recommendations

The Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan set out a clear programme of activity and direction for the service for the next three years. Specifically, the completion of the following objectives (detailed outputs within the Green Spaces Strategy).


Alternative options considered

An alternative option would be to not approve the Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan 2022-25, which would, however, be detrimental in terms of lack of improvement programme for green spaces in Sandwell for the next 3 years.





(1)     that approval be given to the Green Spaces Strategy Implementation and Business Plan 2022-25 as now submitted;


(2)     that in connection with Resolution (1) above, approval be given to the planned programme of works for 2022/23 as now submitted;


(3)     that approval be given to pilot income generation initiatives in green spaces, as specified within the Green Spaces Strategy;


(4)     that approval be given to the Governance Arrangements, as set out within the Green Spaces Strategy;


(5)     that approval be given to the proposed new ways of working with Friends Groups, and the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism be authorised to approve the final agreement with Friends Groups following consultation;


(6)     that the Director of Borough Economy be authorised to develop additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 138