Issue - items at meetings - Schools Funding 2022/2023

Issue - meetings

Schools Funding 2022/2023

Meeting: 12/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Schools Funding 2022/2023 pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To approve the Schools Funding 2022/23 proposals.


Approval was sought for the Schools Funding 2022/23 proposals.



Approval was sought for the Schools Funding 2022/23 proposals.


On behalf of the Chair of Children’s Services and Education Scrutiny Board, the Chair of Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board asked whether extra monies had been made available to school budgets to help bridge the gap/for levelling up etc to reduce the long-term effects on children’s development and education and whether extra money was likely to come from the government.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Children and Education stated that additional funding had been received and had been passed onto maintained schools such as Covid -19 Catch up premium, Covid-19 Summer school programme, school led tutoring programme, Senior mental Health Leads training (this funding would be paid in January 2022 to specific schools). The government had stated they would be increasing schools funding in 2023/24; however, no announcements had yet been made as to the actual funding to be received.


Reason for Decision

The Schools Revenue Funding 2022/2023 – Operational Guide required the Council to engage in open and transparent consultation with maintained schools and academies in their area, as well as with their respective schools’ forum about any changes to the local funding formula, including the principles adopted and any movement of funds between blocks.


The Council was responsible for making the final decisions on the formula and for ensuring there was sufficient time to gain political approval before the schools funding model (Authority Proforma Tool – APT) deadline in January 2022.


Alternative Options


Local Authority Funding Formula

Option 1 - Stepped increase to the 2022/23 Local authority model - Increase of the Primary: Secondary Ratio to 1:1.29 (3rd Year)


Option 2 - Secondary Schools receive 1% more above the overall

increase in funding


Option 3: National Funding Formula Factor Values


Pupil Number Growth Fund




(1)          that in respect of the 2022/2023 schools funding formula for Sandwell schools, the outcome of the consultation proposals following review by the Schools Forum, as shown in Appendix 1 be considered and approved as follows:


(a)the funding formula option 1; a primary: secondary ratio of 1:1.29 be adopted;


(b)     a minimum funding guarantee of at least 0.5% and up to 2.0% be set;


(c)     the pupil number growth fund be set at £1.3m as recommended by Schools Forum;


(2)          that In respect of the proposal to top slice the dedicated schools grant (DSG) to create a growth fund for 2022/23 of £1.300m, this  be ring fenced for the purposes of supporting growth in pre-16 pupil numbers to meet basic need, additional classes need to meet infant class size regulation and to meet the costs necessary for new schools, including the lead-in costs, post start-up costs and any diseconomy of scale costs;


(3)          that in respect of the de-delegated budgets for Sandwell maintained schools, the outcome of the consultation proposals as agreed by the Schools Forum for 2022/23 be noted;


(4)          that in respect of the education functions budgets for Sandwell maintained schools, the outcome of the consultation proposals as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9